
Just keep telling yourself,that your Nothingness is in fact "something" and expound upon same in your version of "results". Laffin'!

Only you could malign folks with a job,as you sprinkle bread crumbs to/fro the mailbox,in order to collect your Welfare("paycheck").

You "hard charger" you.

WOW +P++!


There'd be expenses involved with Licensing,Stamps and ammo...that'd be 3-[bleep] strikes and poor dumb Jeff-O is OUT!

That besides the fact,that her [bleep] is tied to her couch.


I'm with ya'...purty sad to witness a Do-Nothing Dumbphuck hang links to the things she never came close to doing,with the wares she never came close to having and from the places she never came close to being,as her "Trump Card".'d think she'd have the Imagination to at least hang a pic of a wet HOG,with plagiarism being a given to circumvent her vicarious angst. Just sayin'.

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Further...if Feeshin' offa man made structures,you'd of HOPED she'd of at least put some sparkle in her Pretend,as she Imagined her Fabrication(s).

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Though in fairness,THE dumbest of the Do-Nothing Dumbphucks are always at the mercy of their Reality and schit do not get funnier than that!


Always a treat to hear your spin on the "hard charger".

MAGNIFICENT "bear" you hammered not long ago,do it fetch Ducks?!!? Jeezus [bleep] you sorry azzhole,feel free to regale me with your 223AI "experience",so as to ring the [bleep] bell. WOW!???!

ALWAYS a treat to listen to you expound on how you do the best you can,with what very little you have to work with.

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You sorry Day Dreaming Dumbphuck,lemme frost that cake for you.

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I'm rather at ease in musing rugs and skulls...if only for conversation. Laffin'!


Personally,I'm digging the "odds".


Feel free to say sumptin' in Montuckian.