Gruff, if you want to make an informed decision about sight height on the #3, consider some darkish flavored epoxy paste moulded around the current sight blade, only higher. Doesn't need a lot of finesse, just some height. Take a file to the range, shoot and file until you're on paper or the X, with a little bit of positive elevation on the rear sight. Pull out your calipers and measure...

Lacking an aftermarket sight of proper height, take the existing sight and have someone silver solder a blade of sufficient height after the old blade has been milled off. This gives you the opportunity to file to height and have a blade with some meat on it. I phoucin' hate skinny narrow blade sights. Gimme some meat on the blade and a healthy square notch on the rear. Rock 'n Roll....

Thank me later,


I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain