It was kinda cool. You could see the white bone, after the bleeding slowed.

BTW, I will never let anyone near me with a staple gun. Damn rookie ER Doc had to pull 3 of them a couple of times to get the worst of the "puckers" out.

Those aren't all. There are 6 more staples over on the left side, just out of the pic.

I was alone at the time. I was out cold for about an hour.

Of course I was hundred yards from the house. I crawled over to my new Huskie riding mower for the ride across the yard, must passed out, came to under the deck, mower and me.

I did this on a Friday evening. On Monday I drove myself to the carry out for smokes and beer, with my right leg over the tranny hump.

Truck tranny, not the chicks with dicks kind.