
You scared her off. The key is to deftly cast into her gaping yap,less spooking her and then simply roll the hook out and punt her back into the drink and repeat as per whim.

Though it ain't like bottom feeders is tough to catch...but it sure as schit is [bleep] funny!(grin)


Shefire simply does the best she can,with what very little she has to work with. Funnier than [bleep] however,that Imagination and Pretend is so very fulfilling for her.

In fairness...she do whine [bleep] wonderfully and all them years of practice,have REALLY paid off for her. Perhaps she just might be the first Do-Nothing Dumbphuck,to whine herself happy?!!?



The Caribou tow 'em around in impressive flocks and that in itself is an interesting occurence. Has been a steady breeze rolling offa the Beaufort and you wouldn't know there was a 'skeeter within 1000's of miles. But the wind did lay down for a slight spell and they activated,searching earnestly for victims.

Light bounced all over the place yesterday evening and really run the gamut.

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The Vole Search was kinda cool.

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At midnight-ish,the fog wafted in again and stayed a good while.

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This is more hilarity for Shefire,her Imagination and her Pretend.


This is THE Greatest Thread ever and is chock full of EPIC humor!


Fire your Imagination up and getcha some!


Twin Mother Ships will not suck.


Always a treat to be regaled with your hopes,aspirations and the plethora of things you Dream about. Spare no details and feel free to wax eloquent upon all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been. It really is riveting commentary and your "hard charging" "pursuits" really are inspirational. Give or [bleep] take.

Hell...shoot for the moon and PM Shefire and ask to pinch some of her "Adventurous" pics to quantify same. Here's to your Imagination.
