Originally Posted by fatjack34
A Dude I know had the crotch crickets....cheap [bleep] tried a homemade remedy instead of quell or A2000.... He duct taped his piss hole off and poured isopropyl all over his [bleep]....[bleep] window licker!


Tried posting earlier, schitty ass windows computer froze. Buying an Apple this weekend. I think.

Anyway, reminded of a story in Karl Marlantes' Vietnam novel--Matterhorn. This dude gets a leech up his pole hole and starts backin up like a plugged water heater (true story, I'm sure). They can't evac him off the hill due to weather (they were at a FSB). Pressure gets so bad the dude is screaming and can't move without extreme pain. No surgeons around so the lead squid finally has the others hold the guy down while he cuts a hole in the bottom of his shaft--piss and blood flying everywhere. The poor grunt finally has some relief and when he's distracted the corpsman makes another puncture to kill the leech and drain its blood. Finally get the guy choppered off the hill and back to base. Who knows if everything ever worked right after that. Yeeoowch!

Yet another use for duct tape!

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