[quote=DigitalDan]Change of pace question for all you ruffians.

Few years back one of my best buddies was a hematologist. For about a month he pumped me full of the most toxic chitt you never wanna know.

-sidebar- We have a lot of sand gnats in the 'hood and they are vicious little phoucs capable of taking a quart of blood before you can say "Gott Dayum!". They would not fly anywhere near me during the period of time in question or for the following month or so.

Few days back I was out in the woods puttin' the sneak on hogs and murdering families and stuff. A tick boarded without proper papers.

-sidebar- Had an itch in me belly button this morning and upon inspection find this little scut nested in the void. Deader than last year's stump in a clear cut.

Questions: How many of you guys are so phoucin' evil that ticks die when they bite you? Can I kill vampires?


Proud to be an American!

BD [/quote

I know a guy so filled with evil that ticks swarm to him.