Originally Posted by GFY
This is a tough crowd. Not sure what the hullabaloo is about. I am thinking that for whatever reason, my initials are causing a raru. My name is George Frederic Young. I am proud of this name as it is mine. Please explain the issue and what a MVH is.

George Frederich Young, what is a "raru"? MVH is an abbreviation for "My Vagina Hurts". In this iteration it refers to the girls that infest the "Hunter's Campfire" forum on this site. Sometimes you'll see is as MPH but motorheads get confused about that sometimes.

The abbreviation GFY have been copyrighted by 'Flave. It doesn't mean George Frederic Young, and it isn't clear that given name trumps a Copyright. FNG does not mean Fine Nice Guy. They went on point because like lawyers, nobody had an emotional attachment to them. To survive one has to be on top of their game.

Are you from Oz? If so, do you know JStuart? If not are you from Kiwi Land? "Raru" sounds like Downunder speak to me.

We are generally crude, rude, obnoxious, devious, uncaring monsters from Montucky, Idaho seaports, the Southern Swamps, various assorted combat zones and speak what's on our mind. A tough crowd. We say hello to Generals by saying "Hello Azzhole!". It's a term of endearment. It does cause MPH syndrome.

What caliber to you prefer for beaver?



*Barbarian Dan

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain