You fellas chattin' about Erie and the Cuyahoga provides a minor point of entry about something I'm involved in here in the Algal Mat State; water resource mgmt. I am a thorn in the state's butt over that issue.

We have over 2,700 water body segments in the state on the Impaired Waters List. It ain't what it was but could be one helluva lot better than it is. I do let others whine about gerbils, my focus is of an economic nature. We have pissed all over a resource that generated over $600 billion to florida's economy annually for the year ending in 2008. There isn't a close second place. The argument bothers my liberal Republicans. Azzholes. It ain't rocket surgery.


I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain