Elkhunter, good job with that mutt. Sorry you only got one.
Gruff, sorry you got none. Cactus in the ass sucks.
I had a chance to shoot 6 or 7 or 8 or maybe a dozen pigs with one shot about an hour ago. Had a sow meandering around in front of me for about 40 minutes. Might'a weighed 125# is she weren't 23 months pregnant. Dang ol' teats were near draggin' in the dirt. Jeez Louise..........

God, I try to be strong, but I damn well don't enjoy peeling pregnant critters. She walked. Round about late Jan/Feb or there abouts I'm going to bust some perfect grill size piggies...and momma.

I ain't goin' soft, there's just a limit to how much chitt I'll put up with.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain