Originally Posted by SamOlson
You'll remember the creek next time there's a flood and you have to fix fence....grin

Are those Chuckar kinda like Huns only faster?

Huns still scare the chit outta me at least once a year. Walk for an hour or two and nothing..... Then all of a sudden 20 Huns launch at your feet and are gone before you even have time to raise the shotgun.

Just yesterday when I was in the hills doing my Ace thang I had one flush up outta the sage about three feet away. Season over and all I had was my SIG and the Mora...

Does stabbing count as hunting?

It ain't what you don't know that makes you an idiot...it's what you know for certain, that just ain't so...

Most people don't want to believe the truth~they want the truth to be what they believe.

Stupidity has no average...