I learned ( read that to mean I was victimized..) by a new internet scam yesterday! Had a sudden appearance of a tab that said my browser was locked...I clicked on it and a big official looking notice came up saying I had violated copyright laws ( hard to do when you arent copying anything...) and that the FBI was locking my browser, coming to my house and seizing my hard drive and throwing my ass in jail to be the prison bitch of somebody named Luther....


I was willing to pay a $100 fine ( enter credit card # here...) or it seems the FBI also accepts Paypal.....

Sure as schitt...my browser was locked up.....

But they were not prepared for the intellectual superiority and hi-tech know how of the Poobah!!!

I am still roaming around, a free man, with credit card intact!!! laugh

"...the left considers you vermin, and they'll kill you given the chance..." Bristoe