From the " You can't make this [bleep] up" district is the inner city...[bleep] hole tenements, crime, you get he picture.....2:00 A.M. this morning we get a call for a GSW in a 3rd floor apartment...nothing new there, just the [bleep] playing thug life again. Not that rare.
....But wait....there is more.... The victim is a 5 year old male with an alleged self inflicted GSW. Upon arrival the young lad is found conscious, alert and relatively calm with a through and through to his left abdomen. The boy is treated, stabilized and transported to the trauma unit never once so much as crying.
It seems he was sleeping in the big bed with momma and dad and found Dad's .22 pistola under the pillow where he usually keeps it and accidentally shot himself in the gut point blank.
The good news is the boy is stabile and in good shape considering and will make a complete recovery with what some have said to be instant " street cred" as he jumped right over the fights and stabbings and got himself shot at 5.
That stupid [bleep] raisin head old man of his needs a tune up pronto! WTF!

Last edited by fatjack34; 11/30/13.

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du ma nhieu