Originally Posted by THOMASMAGNUM
Originally Posted by Jeff_O
Lol... cream and bastards, right?

Apparently you either didn't read or didn't understand my previous post about rising to the top...
So I'll repost it for your reading pleasure:
Originally Posted by THOMASMAGNUM

When you make cheese the curds (the good stuff that you press to make the cheese) will sink to the bottm, and the worthless useless whey comes to the surface to be skimmed off and discarded....

Here's to folks rising to the top...

[Linked Image]

Ah, a fromage reference. I did miss that. Keep in mind, while you KK's have nothing better to do than lust after the cougar in Kube 7, I'm up to my waist in tree guts.

Cheese, eh. That reminds me of something from my kid's childhood... actually, lots about this thread does, lol... to wit:

People say that the Kube [bleep] smell
Like a piece of moldy cheese.
But I say, it's not so bad-
As long as there's a breeze!

Seems to be some sore poontang around here today. To the new arrivals- this is a ball busting thread. If that makes you whiney, take your marbles to another game. Or stick around, like wageslave.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two