Much better.



What's funny is, however much a poosy I am for cutting up that willow and associated mess, and some more pecker-pole hardwoods....

(.... which I will say, was complicated by being surrounded by dewey-eyed goats saying, "Traaaav! Traaav!".... I'm sorry that's just weird, you get these images of Deflave & goats, who's humping who, who exactly is bleating in pain, there's aviators involved, it's all very visceral.... not to mention distracting...

.... but anyway, however weak my poosy-ass days in the woods were... however small my trees were, and ineffectual my Husky's.... however much "nothing" I so poosily "did"... or Imagined doing...

....the Kube [bleep] didn't even do THAT. They just made snarky bitchy little Kube [bleep] noises all week. A glorious noise. Like retarded gay do-nothing sheepphucking geese.

Yeah, it really is just that funny.

The CENTER will hold.

Reality, Patriotism,Trump: you can only pick two