She looks to have a few good ones left in her.


Yogie,is handy and Jesus ain't real.


I'm groovin' on your Imagination,almost as much as you are. Your Pretending a [bleep] clue,never ain't not hilarious!

Tough to trump the humor associated with you Do-Nothing Day Dreaming Dumbphucks flaunting your Imaginations,as you practice your Pretend. Reckon it only fair,to fuel your Imagination yet again,so you can perfect your whine.

Hmmmmmm...lemme see,not much going on today. Hutch got fresh Red Cedar siding on his Lab Mansion and my new raft made it home.

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[Linked Image]

MUCH looking forward to your perpetual recounting of all the things you almost did,with all the wares you almost had and from all the places you've almost been.

Here's to you doing the best you can,with what very little you have to work with.

Bless your heart.


It is hilarious just how [bleep] incredibly easily you are stumped,whether it centerfire or rimfire and how your first reaction is to always stick something in your mouth and your azz.



You's one of the few who could make Savage99 look like Rambo.

You "hard charger" you.



Don't think she don't cry herself asleep.

Nor that them reasons ain't well founded.


If you steal her Imagination,she'll have nothing left and that'd be mean.


She ain't got the IQ for coherency...but she's got a rather impressive Imagination.

It never ain't not hilarious,to watch Pretend suffice so resoundingly,for them who need it most.


Lovin' your perpetual Whine.

Once you are in over your head,the high note you emit is incessant.
