Originally Posted by Boxer


Here's hoping you pulled the plug on School and opted to fill the vault with loot instead. Noone that's going to apply themselves in School,wonders aloud about same...so cut the losses,prior to shoveling loot into that burn barrel. 'Tis the oldest of adages,to take the money and run. Run to happiness.

Keep in mind,that because "work" is THE dirtiest of words to sooooooooooo many,that it's akin to winning The Lottery,for them who actually enjoy such things. I'd look to get a piece of the Oil Patch Pie,start out with 6 months of vacation a year while starting at $80K outta da gate,nice benefits and a King's Ransom retirement to boot. Get your foot in the door,sniff around and see what piques your interests and let happiness guide you,as you climb the ladder. LOTSA opportunity inherent,both in regards to jingle and locale,less any concession. Much to be said for being a carefree Gypsy,with an overfilling wallet and being able to do as one pleases,when one pleases. Plus there's some SMOKIN' Real Estate markets in the current economy,ripe for a single buck to salt away for a rainy day. Plus,plus...money is dirt [bleep] cheap in conjunction.

Though it ain't for everyone,it really don't take as long to get used to...as some would "think".


Tanner, there is much merit in those words. Unless you have unlimited family resources or piles of scholorships for living expenses, tuitions etc, advanced education can be a real killjoy. university is one of the few ways to accumulate a house size mortgage debt without ever having to qualify for it or having the means to pay it off.