
Two of the episodes occurred on very hot days and the one while Grouse hunting a warmer fall day. Supposed to drink a lot of water and I was. Problem was my K was probably at its border line low normal. Sweating dropped it a little lower. If there are any Docs in the house here is where I would like them to join in.

I'm thinking drinking a lot of water may have also been a contributing factor in that I diluted out my blood volume and caused the concentration of available K to the cells to be decreased. A cell can only hold so much volume. K needs to be inside the cell to be effective.

No doubt drinking fluids is important when it is hot and one is working hard. However, when your minerals are on the edge of normal, diluting them out can have an effect we would not normally desire.

Again, not sure if I'm entirely correct on this, so if a Doc can add some insight it would be appreciated.

Thing is low normal and high intensity workouts may not be the best place to be and the only way you can know is by having relatively frequent blood panels done.

We all hear about vitamins, however having the right amount of minerals may be even more important.

Two of these events gave me a scare. So it was EKGs, Thallium scans and echocardiograms. Docs say don't stop what you are doing. laugh

Also stress test. Last one was a joke in that I could have hopped on the treadmill for 10minutes and stressed myself more. Hardly breathed hard and in fact I didn't. Said to the Doc that's it. His reply, "For your age that's it."

Waste of time, if stress had anything to do with it.

Last edited by battue; 06/16/15.

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