Yep, that reminds me of a true story. Battue and smokepole were killed in a plane crash and re-incarnated as dogs. Battue was having a hard time as a dog, so smokepole took him under his wing. So to speak. He was showing Battue the ropes one day, they were trotting down a back alley, and smokepole said "watch this," whereupon he knocked over a trash can and steak bones came spilling out. They chowed down, and battue said "how did you know to knock over that one?" Smokepole said "it's a steakhouse, I used to eat there all the time."

They continued down the alley. Smokepole said "follow me" and ducked under a fence. Inside the yard, there was a French Poodle named Fifi, in heat. Smokepole did his thing, and then Battue had seconds. The only thing sloppy was his performance.

They continued down the alley, where smokepole took a detour and arrived at a fire hydrant. He said "do what I do" then lifted his leg and pissed on the hydrant.

They continued down the alley, but Battue was puzzled. Finally he said "I don't get it, I understand the first two stops, but what was that all about??

So smokepole explained to him "you're a dog now." If you can't eat it or **** it, piss on it."

A wise man is frequently humbled.