3 mins of kettlebell work (swings, snatches, etc)- I used 1 35# KB.

For time and max load
Snatch - 5 reps - 115#
Russian KB swings - 30 reps - 35#
Goblet Squats - 31 reps - 35#
KB Clean & Jerk - 32reps - 35#
Clean & Jerk - 5 reps - 135#

I was very happy with my time, but would like to increase the weight on the snatches and C&Js. The 3 middle KB exercises were to be done unbroken and all were done with 2 35# KBs. I didn't quite get that, but I did complete the swings and goblet squats unbroken and only set the KBs for about 5 sec between exercises. The KB clean & jerks I made set them down at 10, 17, 23, and 27. I was quite winded by then and my grip was shot.

Slowly but surely things are getting better.