Originally Posted by pointer
As my hunt last week in AZ showed me, and I mentioned prior in this thread, the gym has helped except for my lower leg/ankle stability/strength. Any suggestions of what to do to make that better?

Minimal shoes for starters. Some like Five Fingers, I hate 'em. New Balance MT20's for workouts and New Balance 730's for anything over 800m. I added an insole inside the 730's.

Getting on one of those Stairmaster Step Mills (looks like a section of an escalator) and DO NOT hold onto the handrail will develop a lot of lower leg strength/endurance.

Don't even think about running in minimal shoes until you've got POSE running form nailed down. It is easier to learn running fast than slow. The Crossfit Rx for running is:
1) Form first
2) Run short/hard
3) Finally add distance

If you are doing it right your lower leg will be smoked after a run. Over do it and you won't be able to walk the next day.