Originally Posted by smokepole
Careful pointer, or you're going to develop a case of carotid thrombomyelosis.
Not sure what that is, but as long as it doesn't keep my weiner from working I ain't skeered...

Med ball hot potato

As many reps as possible in 30 minutes of:

push ups, 30 reps
sit-ups, 30 reps
squats, 30 reps
pull-ups, 30 reps
split squats, 15 reps each leg
single unders, 30 reps
double unders, 30 reps
burpee, 30 reps
box jump 20″, 30 reps
box over jump 20″, 30 reps
ring dips, 30 reps
jumping pull-ups, 30 reps
ring push ups, 30 reps
handstand push ups, 30 reps
jumping squats, 30 reps
bear crawl, 30 reps
calorie row, 30 cals.
box step-ups, 30 reps
wall taps, 30 reps
lateral box step-ups, 30 reps
inverted push ups, 30 reps
toes to bar, 30 reps
clapping push ups, 30 reps
lateral hops/ski hop, 30 reps
knees to elbows, 30 reps
shuttle run 30m, 30 lengths
side shuffle 30m, 30 lengths
back pedal 30m, 30 lengths
tire jumps in-and-out, 30 reps
lateral tire jump in-and-out, 30 reps

post reps completed.

I made it to jumping squats for a rep total of 429. No one in my class made it past the bear crawls. It'll be interesting to see how far anyone gets. Good work capacity workout.