Until just over a month ago, I hadn't lifted consistently in about a year and a half - result of a new kid and a move.

New job has me working 2 on / 2 off rotations, and I'm able to lift at nights after work. It makes for an interesting experiment to see how quickly strength will come back if you've let yourself get to a fully untrained state.

I'm nearing the end of the 2nd work rotation, which basically means I lifted for two weeks, took two weeks off while at home, and am now 10 days into the next two weeks. The last two workouts had me squatting 2 sets of 12 with 225, deadlifting three sets of 5 with 275, cleaning 2 sets of 6 at 185 then another set of 6 at 205, and front squatting 2 sets of 15 at 185.

At the beginning of my first rotation about 40 days ago, I started squatting with just the bar.

Interesting how quickly it comes back, and how good I feel as it does. Still a little ways to go: lose 20 lbs, squat sets of 15 with 225 or 8 with 315, clean sets of 5 with 225, and dead sets of 5 with 375. Betcha I get real close on the lifts next hitch, and after that I'll start working on trimming down.