My goodness, you fit guys...well you suck! wink Making it hard for us fatties to participate without being emabarrassed...

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35 - 5'10" - 285#
For the past 18mos I've 'played around' with Crossfit (2-3X/week) and worked in some other workouts, namely stair master, biking, and some rowing. The guy who led the Crossfit group at the Y has opened is own box and I followed. Started at the first of the year and am following his programing, which appears to have a bit of a slant to met cons.

Haven't really thought about actual goals, so here it is off the top of my head.
Short Term (by this fall) Goals:
Be able to do 1 strict pullup
Row 1000m in under 3:15 (3:33 is current PR)
Strict Press 205 (185# now)
Squat 400# (365# now)

Long Term Goals:
Become less fat, don't really care what the scale reads
Be more athletic
Be able to keep up with my sons as long as possible
Not be worried about hoofing it into terrain, like that below
[Linked Image]

Workout - "Fight Gone Bad" - 264
Diet - 1/2 day clean; too many nuts in the PM

Workout - Rest Day - Thursday's are scheduled day's of rest due to other commitments