Originally Posted by pointer
Keep posting your progress. I know if really helps keep me on task.

Me too. I don't really do this stuff, but it feels great to post about it.

Lower body/core today. All the resistance stuff with increasing weight.

5 minutes on bike for warm-up

Box jumps from seated, 10 X 3

Goblet squats, 12 X 3

Glute machine 12 X 3

seated bent leg calf raises 12 X 3

Roman chair, straight leg raises/rotations

Hamstring curls 12 x 3

Straight leg calf raises 12 X 3

Leg lifts followed by crunches, 3 sets

One-legged dumbbell flies on Bosu ball for balance and shoulder re-hab

One-legged ankle rotations on Bosu ball for ankle stability and strength

Back squat machine 3 sets super-setted with 20 body weight squats on the Bosu ball.

A wise man is frequently humbled.