Not necessarily overtraining, but in 2001 I decided to run the Portland marathon about 2 months before the day of the event. I hadn't run seriously in probably 5 years, and was working a desk job. So, my training was compressed and basically meant that I did one long run on the weekend, was crippled until about Tuesday, and then tried to get in another 20-30 or so miles before next weekend, with a little interval stuff mixed in.

Anyway, about half way through the marathon, my foot started hurting somewhere in the arch. I (of course) kept grinding away and finished. I think it was a stress fracture, but never got it checked out. It would bother me every time I did a big hiking trip up to 2 years ago. That is 10 plus years of pain based on wanting to get that sweet t-shirt. Stupid. It kinda broke me of wanting to run.

My sister is turning 40 this year, and is signed up for an Ironman (her first). I hope she fares better in that than I did in my attempt at the last third.