I agree with many of the points in your lengthy post above. But I still can't get what the "wheat-phobia" going on today is all about. I ain't talking about twinkies and white Wonder bread. I'm talking about shredded wheat cereal, high quality whole wheat breads and other such foods. Brown rice, oatmeal, and beans could also be included but I've never found them too convenient to pack in lunch box. Seems like your weightlifter/bodybuilder friend comfirms that these type carbs are fuel for muscles. I think quality protein in moderate amounts is good-more if you're in a a building mode with your muscles.
I'm sorry, but even someone with as impressive a workout routine as yours and the tenacity to backpack hunt for elk, you just lose me with the eskimo, paleo, etc, etc, diet crap.
Those people were tough sobs to begin with, probably descended from central/northern asian people. They ate what they could find to survive. To survive in the north before the arrival of firearms, snowmobiles, motor boats and such took a tough and tenacious type people. I don't think I could survive on their diet, let alone the harsh environment they lived in. I'm gonna pass on the whale blubber diet.
This and the other thread on fitness are great discussions. You're not gonna get this information on the ATV and 4x4 forums(I do own both, though).
The best to you,