Relay races with animal movements (ie bear crawls, crab walks, etc)

Worked on chest to bar pullups

AMRAP in 17 mins
Chest to bar pullups - 5 reps
Burpees - 10 reps
Squats - 15 reps
Jumping Jack Burpees - 20 Reps
Situps - 25 Reps

I completed 2+ rounds. Burpees absolutely suck the life out of me. I wasn't quite able to get my chest to the bar, even with a band, on the pullups, but I'm getting closer. Good workout, but I can see that I have LOTS to work on. I am able to recover much faster/better now after a workout, which is nice as my gas tank's not all that impressive. My gut is though! laugh

PS- I absolutely, teetotally hate phoucing burpees of any type.