Originally Posted by Take_a_knee
Originally Posted by JCMCUBIC

For you medical folks.... I had a brachial plexus injury in April. There is still a noticeable weakness in the arm affected by it (when compared to the opposite arm). Any thing specific I can do for it or does it just take a LONG time for the nerve to heal?

Get a barbell overhead, a LOT. It took me nearly two years to get full range-of-motion back after a rotator cuff repair. It was nearly a year before I could do dips. Don't give up, but on the other hand don't be stupid either, it something hurts, see somebody about it.

I do a lot of overhead lifting, snatches, jerks, presses. There is no pain, just weakness...basically pushing the gas to the floor but the engine is running at half speed on the one side. I did mess up right after the injury and jumped back into lifting to soon. That resulted in a minor shoulder separation but thankfully nothing major.