
Standing press 10 at 65lb, then peddle on bike for one minute fast. Rest one minute and repeat 10 times.


3.2mile with 40lb pack

Some machine where you sit and pull weight 10x100lbs get it done as fast as you can.

Chinups: 40 total. Max was 11 at one time, then a bunch of between 6-8. Catch you breath and pull again.

Box step ups.


Squats with progressing weight up to 185 x 10, then BP with progression up to 145lbs x 10. Rest 1 minute, repeat times 10.

Max chinups then cycle fast for 1 minute. Catch breath and repeat x 5.

Hip is still funky, but they are finally getting serious about what is going on. Going in for some nerve tests on Monday. 400mg Motrin makes things alright for now.

Last edited by battue; 03/19/15.

laissez les bons temps rouler