Hate to hear that Tom, that makes it tough for sure. I've had a couple of significant injuries that sidelined me and they're no fun. Sure, I crosstrained and all that other stuff that they recommend but what about the appetite thing. For me the less exercise I do the larger my appetite. Best of luck on the recoup.

As far as posting what you eat etc. The biggest one of these types of threads I've seen on the net has all kinds of info. A lot of folks bundle up the week into one post that has everything in it. Some post every day. And you have everything in between.

Far as eating goes though, I'm not on a diet per se although I've been applying the ABS Diet for years and years. But that's a lifestyle change not a recipe to lose weight. When I am "eating clean" that just means everything fits into the plan whether that is staying where I'm at, gaining or losing. TBH if you go 80% clean that is extraordinary.


Smellin' a lot of 'if' coming off this plan.