Originally Posted by Glocktard
In case you missed it, Tanner didn't say schidt about "getting in shape for hunting", he opined about gaining muscle mass. If you'd like to go on record to say that Mark Rippetoe is clueless about barbell training, then be my guest.

I never said Rippetoe was clueless, 'tard. And in case you missed it, this whole 150+ page thread is about getting in shape for backpack hunting. I did say you were an idiot, blowhard, and didn't backpack hunt very much. And I'd be willing to wager that even Rippetoe wouldn't say there's only one way to train with NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!

As an aside, his methods apparently aren't working for you. They haven't made you "retard strong" as you put it, just retard smart.

A wise man is frequently humbled.