Did lower body/core today:

5 minutes on a bike, 3 sets of skaters and stretching to warm up.

Box jumps from seated, 36" box, 3 sets of ten

Hanging straight leg lifts, 3 sets, hold at top, slow negative motion to vertical, 2 sets knees to chest, slow negative motion

Side planks with cable pull, 3 sets, slow negative motion.

Glute machine, 3 sets, slow negative motion

Lateral sliders with stretch band, 3 sets of 50 each way.

Hamstring curls, 3 sets

Back extensions and oblique extensions, 3 sets each

One-legged dumbell flies on a BOSU ball, 3 sets

One-legged ankle rotations on a BOSU ball, 3 sets

Squat machine, 3 sets super-setted with body-weight squats on the BOSU ball.

A wise man is frequently humbled.