Been attending the gym consistently 5x per week since I got back from a business trip where I ate way too much and did too little.

Today was...mixed:

Work squat clean to 1RM, I made 125K, a 4K pr.
10 minutes, every minute on the minute:
2x squat clean @ 100K
AMRAP in 8min:
3x 95lb thruster
3x chest to bar pullup
6x 95lb thruster
6x chest to bar pullup
9x 95lb thruster
9x chest to bar pullup
and so on...I finished the round of 12 because I suck at both movements and at breathing. My lifting partner nearly finished the round of 18!

My strength is decent, and generally improving. I continue to suck at intense metcons. I need to keep focused on eating decent to keep trimming off weight, and push harder during metcons.

Empirical results rule!