Originally Posted by RinB
Who is doing your WOD programming?
You are following a strength bias routine. Your strength portion is also usually in your metcon which is not always a good idea. Take a look at Invictus or Black Box for good ideas.
TAK was correct. I joined a Crossfit gym at the beginning of the year. I do what ever the coaches tell me to with as little of whining as possible. That said, I'm sure we'll incorporate a bunch more running once the weather allows it. The head cheese likes to run; former 400m runner. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll look into those.

That said, today's workout... wink

Back Squat

315# was definitely max today, which was a real pisser for me. I know I can do more and was hoping to get 335# today. My lower/mid back is sore/tired from the deadlifts yesterday so that didn't help. I really should have done better today. GRRRRR....