Nice food plot scratcher WB. grin

Pam, Joey and myself went out to the cabin between thunderstorms yesterday. We brought out the little 30 hp tractor with the mower and box blade attachments. We parked the truck and trailer out at "the landing". It's about a mile in to the cabin from there.

We loaded out stuff onto the little tractor, mower was attached to the 3 point, the box blade was inside the loader bucket. A chainsaw, generator, small cooler and a few tools were also loaded onto the tractor. We drove the tractor in to the cabin on the wet, muddy trail with waist high grass. Some of the grass was shoulder height.

The plan was to get the riding mower at the cabin going for Pam to mow around the cabin while me and Joey mowed the trail that leads in to the cabin. It all worked out pretty well. We got the road grass cut so hopefully the ground can dry out some and next time out we can maybe disc certain parts of the trail and level off any ruts that are holding water.

Pam got the grass mowed around the cabin, that initial cutting anyways. That too can now air out some and next time we will hopefully get it cut a little nicer.

We left the tractor at camp and walked back out to the truck because we plan on using the tractor some more possibly next weekend.

Critter sightings were a doe and spotted fawn, 6 baby grouse a bit larger than an adult robin, and a bunny rabbit.

Wolf and deer tracks up and down the camp road.

Something clever here.