When I heard the Bayonet Incident story live, for some strange reason, I thought that was many moons ago - not 2006! But hey, a bayonet is a timeless thing. Really have to admire one who eventually does what needs doing. When the going gets tough.....

North Country Rendezvous Eh? And fun shoot?


Your courage is an inspiration. Best to get done what needs doing. I have several acquaintances who have bypasses and are doing very fine. My boss is one. He had a triple about four years ago. I've known him forever it seems, and gotta tell ya he looks and feels better than ever. Says he used to be so tired. Now he's the energizer bunny! We should give some thanks for the age we live in. The possibilities are really so much better than a short time ago.

Keep us posted. I'll be here for support if you look like you need it.


Wood is Good.