the funny thing is, they are veterans...well for 4 year olds anyway. They have already been duck, goose, pheasant, and deer hunting this year. In fact, they walked the very same field road to get to the deer stand at a normal pace! One was quite a bit worse than the other.

We kept it fairly short yesterday. I think I will chalk it up to them being young and unpredictable. As it gets colder, it might be the end of the their chances to get out this year.

On another note, I brought my 8 year old girl to SD on a 3 day pheasant hunt and she hunted all day, every day without 1 single complaint! she loved it!

Stan, green peppers? Really? I am sooo disappointed in you! crazy

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.