tzone it weren't much of of a hunt, we backed the stock trailer up to the pen and ran them in. Hauled them up to the workshop and killed them one at a time. Skinned, gutted, cut them in half and hung them in the walk in cooler and cut them up today. Eight 250 to 275 lb pigs makes a lot of meat. I sent 1 ham to be cured, cut and packaged about,50 pork chops. I stuffed 75 lb of sausage into casings for be and 55 lbs for another guy. Tomorrow we will fire up the smokehouse and get it smoked before we package that. I still have two sides of bacon to rub the cure on tomorrow and get it in the fridge to cure then next weekend I will run it through my propane smoler and get it sliced and packaged. It looks like I should end up with about 30 to 35 lb of bacon. It is a lot of work, but it is a lot of good eating too.It seems like it takes a long time to clean up. but it doesn't take any longer to clean up after 8 than it does for one.
I'm about beat so I am going to bed. Hope you guys survive the storms. We lucked out and didn't get rained on.

You do not have to have had a psychotic episode to work here, it just saves time!