As always I feel compelled to remind you guys that IF any of you wish to hunt in SD in the future, please go to the state website and purchase your preference point now for the 2013 year. anyone wishing to hunt this year, now is the time to put in for tags. Tom, PM me for specifics if you're putting in this year. anyone else interested in hunting west river, feel free to let me know. also where I go is unlimited for archery, so feel free to inquire.

Dave, this is the third year I'll be inviting you, this time on an open forum. I have already told your wife previously, that you and Nate need to come out and hunt. I figured I'd do it in front of everyone this time smile Les is coming this year if it helps!

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.