Fishing was great, Griz. Between Wed. eve and Fri. eve the wife and I caught about 2 dozen that were 12" or better, as well as some 10"-12" rock bass and a few black crappie. If you discount the minor(?) incident involving a semi-rotten fish carcass and our chocolate Lab, things couldn't have been better! sick

My wife finally consented to get a fishing license this year. She always said fishing was boring, but I guess watching me yank in these perch for several years while she read or did crossword puzzles (now that's boring!!!) got her interested. Her first one this trip was 13" on one of my ultra-light spinning outfits. You should have seen the smile on her face! I think I finally have my fishing partner. She still says she won't get up at 5am but I'll work on that issue.

I have some pictures from this trip but I can't seem to figure out how to post them in my message. Can somebody help me out with some instructions?


NRA Endowment member and proud of it.