Today being the day after Labor day, is our first day of the new school year.

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First day of the sixth grade for Joey, First day of Nathan's senior year!

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So, that was kind of fun.

Ok, now for my sad explanation for our weekend delay.

Pam's father has had some health issues. He has struggled with respiratory issues for years now. Things are becoming further complicated in that respect. Late last week we received word that he was also diagnosed with cancer.

Many appointments are scheduled for this week. We are hoping and praying for the most favorable assessment possible. We traveled down to visit as soon as we got the news. Spent some time visiting at Pam's home place late last week, then decided to continue on with as much of our weekend plans as we could, in the best spirits manageable.

It did turn out to be a fun weekend.

I do ask for your best wishes and prayers for Pam's father. I'm certain she will appreciate it very much.

A bit of cheerful news is that our old basset hound Lucy (14 yrs old) who had recently suffered what we believe was a stroke... She had lost the use of her back legs. She had been dragging herself around with her front legs, it looked terrible and we were putting off the call for the vet to come out to put her to sleep.

Well, Lucy has started using her back legs again! She's walking! She's also got that dog smile going pretty much non stop. She's wobbly, and sometimes her back end goes out to one side. But she is showing clear improvement.

Something clever here.