Originally Posted by Colorado1135
did you get a ticket? of use the half bottle of pepto trick and say you're about to "go" all over yourself and thats why you were speeding.

I got stopped leaving chickenbuck last fall, was your cop as nice as mine and tell you to slow down?

It must be my charming personality but.... I've ALWAYS got a ticket.

I was cruising around in my 55 one summer night and some friends of my girlfriend were walking down the street. I pulled over and opened the door and one jumped in. Well, at the stop light that was 100' up the road, the light turned green and I roasted a BIG smokey. I don't think I hit 2nd gear when the cherries from the popo came on behind me. That one was expensive. 'Excessive Acceleration' or some b.s.

Camp is where you make it.