Originally Posted by tzone
I have to brag on my little girl here a bit. She wasn't able to go to the deer camp because of her diving.

She's an 8th grader and made the HS dive team in August. This is her first year. She struggled through the season at times. Had a few late nights at times because grades come first. She's maintained a 4.0 gpa as well.And even wanted to quit a few times. We don't quit...so she wasn't going to, she was just frustrated.

After one of her meets, a coach from a competitors team came and helped her with a dive she was having trouble with. She took that advice and got better with her dive. It's now one of her best.

I'm more proud of her as a person and her grades in school but...

On Saturday, my girl made the 2016 7AA, Ladies Championship Diving Meet.

If she places well, she'll be in the State Finals.
