Thanks to Her1911 we have an update on Stan. It sounds like he's on the mend at home.

Very relieved to hear this news. Get well soon Stan.

Over the weekend I had my 11 year old boy & 3 of his buddies out to deer camp. They all had dirt bikes & I had my 4 wheeler. I led them on a trail ride through forest trails up north of camp about 10 miles or so on trails to a large gravel pit & let them ride in the pits. I brought along a pack of hot dogs & a one burner coleman stove & cooked up some hot dogs while they rode. We had a little lunch there, rode some more, then made our way back to camp on the trails.

man those kids can play hard!! If they weren't riding dirt bikes they were swimming in the little pond by the shack. We cooked on the charcoal grill, had an awesome bon fire and a couple of my friends stopped out to visit & keep me company while the kids played. Pretty good weekend, I bet all of those boys are sleeping in this morning.


Something clever here.