If you look in Chapter 42, Page 196, Paragraph B, Subpart i of the Revised Chickenbuck Articles of Confederation, you will see that:
"....should any Chickenbuck member come into possession, legal or otherwise, of newly minted pictures of any other member of Chickenbuck dressed in any manner of formal attire, the Chickenbuck member coming into possession of aforementioned picture, must immediately and without delay post on the forum said picture for all to enjoy and heckle."

I just scanned subpart ii of the Articles, but I think there are repercussions if you fail to observe this practice. Something about baked goods and singing the national anthem???

Good luck Ryan. FYI, I just talked to a PF VP last nite and brought you up.

What you do today is important, you are trading a day in the rest of your life for it.