I'm quite certain Mom will be waiting patiently each minute the boys are gone for the sound of RWS saying WOW Mom you should see this, or better yet Mom I miss you.. It will be ok and you will ALL remember this trip for the fun you all have for a long time even you Mrs.ND.

Dave you guys make sure and keep that boy under Max warp power or the whole darn Rocky Mountains will become known as the Grand Canyon... His little feet will tear them down chasing elk into each valley and up over the next mountain range. laugh Good Luck guys!!!

Between RWS, Dave and Captain Bang Flop there could be no herd left when they are done! laugh

Well I got kiddo Hunter Certified now after 14 hours of class she is ready to go out and run with the Big Boys like me.. Other then that more of the same round here cept I'm gonna try my best to get out and bow hunt this weekend..