OK, day 2 of our weekend.

After a good breakfast we did our usual offering of pancake left overs to the "lumberjack" or "whiskyJack" birds.

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along the trail on day 2 we encountered a couple of downed trees from high winds on saturday night. We had to create our own bipass lane around a couple of these.

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Here's a riders view of the trail.

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beings it was sunday & all, I lead the family to church. This is a historic landmark out in the middle of the ... well, middle of nothing, just forest for miles & miles in every direction.

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Church is cared for & maintained by voulunteers.

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the last living memory & fun time my family had with my late cousin accompanied by his family was on an ATV trip to this place. (except for bangflop, he had something going on that weekend, can't remember what it was) But it just occured to me, my buddy, my cousin, he was here with us once. He saw this place, he thought it was pretty neat.


there is an offering jar for upkeep projects. If you are the kind of person that is going to find your way back in the woods to this church, you're the same kind of person that would leave a hundred dollar bill lay here because it doesn't belong to you.

Got trust?


I asked my oldest boy to stand at the podium & play like he's preaching. He said "how do I do that?" I told him "just stand there like you're talking & hold your finger in the air"

well he did it but he really wasn't into it.

then my little guy said "my turn dad!"

I said fine, get up there & preach boy.

Well he did like I told his big brither, stood there with his finger in the air.

it wasn't until I got home here tonight that I noticed which finger he decided to hold in the air.... blush


outside the church there is a flowing well, I spotted a bird getting a drink at the top of the casing.


Here are the boys loaded up in the snow coach ready to hit the trail.


And, here we are along our way from the old church back up to the sliding hill so the boys could have another run at that hill.


we did some more sliding at the hill, then headed back to the toasty warm cabin & fried some hamburgers, cleaned up, packed up & headed for home.

Something clever here.