Blue tongue is caused by the Blue tongue virus (BTV). not sure why that one has a practical name, but anyway.

BTV can be spread through many species such as sheep and cows, it's very similar to EHD aside from that it crosses many species and EHD targets white tailed deer. very rarely will it (EHD) be found in mule deer apparently.

I've talked with a few people out here who look at me funny when I say EHD, then try to correct me by telling me blue tongue. they are different, and I know the difference. smile

tried something yesterday, after doing some research I found something that might inhibit the midge's life cycle that transmits the disease. like a big mosquito pellet used to treat stagnant water in places. these are safe and can be used in stock tanks. since that's where 99% of the standing water is on the place. so I tracked some down, made the trip to pick it up and treated every tank on the place. crossing my fingers, losing sleep over it. funny thing is, if it works, no one will ever know I averted disaster besides me.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.