Hey everyone my internet quit workin for a few days thats why i havent been on here.

ND, me and my buddies had a AWESOME weekend. They were talkin as soon as we left your house as to when were gonna come up next.

And for the bday present... I LOVE IT!!!. Thanks so much. The first thing i did when i got home was toss a couple cans out in the yard and started puttin holes in them. smile

And about them water wolves(snot rockets) rooster and tzone were talkin bout, i think the next trip i take up is gonna be, 1 day eye fishin and the next day is gonna be spent pullin in the big toothy critters. Last year i went up there in early January gator fishin and i did just as good then as i did the first weekend in April, so you can get into them anytime of the winter.

"The Boy"