Mrs ND checking in once again.
I have to say its been awhile but I've kept up on all the goings on at the "camp".
Jim- I don't know if I should be nervous, jealous or thankful. smile Dave seems to be spending a lot of time with the wood spirit lately and there's quite the proof with the pics above. Well I guess if it brings us some luck this year, he can even sleep with it...I'll take the couch. A wife's gotta do, what a wife's gotta do!
I'd take some luck deer hunting. Hoping one will wonder over by my stand, and if only I get a shot, well that's a shot I haven't had in quite awhile. Just the feeling one gets when you see one coming into range, the heart gets beating, the mouth starts to water, your breathing changes, you don't want to move too quickly as to not to spook the deer. Oh I can't wait.
I have to comment a little on the BWCA trip recently taken. Everything came back from the trip Dave and I took 13 yrs ago...the smells, the quietness, the peacefulness, the relaxation, and yes, the gruel of paddling, portaging and being very exhausted. The time spent with our oldest two kids, Dave, and the "boy, girl, and sprout" is undeniably something that has left an imprint on my memory and my heart for the rest of my life as long as that may be. I hope that the trip we just took will become a ritual for us all, taking even the same trip or maybe changing locations, but simply doing a trip together every year. Dave and I love those kids as if they are our own, and any hour, minute, second is certainly welcome whenever that time may be.
Well now the time has come to "add" onto the cabin. We need to get moving on that project so it can be complete for this upcoming hunting season. A sauna would be nice to have out there as well as the "bs" room that we've been talking on adding too. I guess it all takes time but is certainly fun doing.
I'm sure Dave will keep you all posted when the construction starts, and will post pics.
I'd better sign off since this is way, way too long now. Keep up the posts and views, I think this thread is simply the best (I may be a bit prejudice too tho). With all the support and words from all, it has helped carry us threw a rough time and yet a memorable time in our lives.
Oh- Happy Bday Stan!
Until next time- Mrs. ND

"I'm not crying!!"